Looked Perfect - So Why Didn't You Get that Job Offer? Was
it Negative Feedback from a Former Employer?
"Cease & Desist Letter" is a Proven Tool to Counteract Bad
Job References
(February 6, 2014) - It can
be a challenge to find that perfect new career, but sometimes things
come together in just the right way, and voila! You've found that
ideal new job, one that is a perfect "fit" for you.
the frustration, then, to having sailed through the pre-screening
process with flying colors...having "nailed" your
interviews...perhaps being assured that an offer would be forthcoming
in very short order...only to never hear from that prospective
employer again. Equally frustrating, the unspoken question -
"What went wrong?"
the often-overlooked "last phase" of the hiring process -
checking the applicant's references - has undone many a
candidate. "A sizable number of the references we check are
for job candidates who already suspect negative feedback from former
employers", says Jeff Shane, Vice President of Allison
& Taylor Reference Checking,
a firm that offers professional
reference checking services.
"We find that the most likely offenders offering negative
references are former supervisors," says Shane. "Perhaps a
position of authority makes them feel that the company reference
policies don't really apply to them - or that there is no way
that their employer will ever become aware that they have given
negative feedback that is contrary to company policy. Human
Resources can be problematic as well - while they are less likely
than supervisors to offer extensive commentary, a simple "not
eligible for rehire" statement can effectively kill an applicant's
prospects for future employment."
surest way to ensure that your references are responding
appropriately to employment inquiries is to conduct a reference
check(s). If a reference check confirms negative or inappropriate
feedback, you will have
recourse to prevent that person from further damaging your career.
& Taylor offers
one such recourse. If a former employer is speaking
inappropriately when responding to an employment inquiry, employees
can exercise the option of a Cease
& Desist letter (they
may also be able to pursue more substantive legal action). A Cease
Desist letter will help ensure that the transgressor will stop their
actions out of fear of corporate reprisal.
offering this service, Allison & Taylor works with attorneys
well-versed in employment law who will review the client's report
from a negative
reference, speak directly with
them to discuss protocol and options, and then issue the letter to
the organization where the negative commentary arose. As part
of the overall fee, Allison & Taylor then re-conducts the
original reference check to determine if the negative reference is
continuing to offer harmful commentary. This rarely turns out
to be the case - the documented "success rate" of this letter is
extremely high.
further details on services and procedures please
AllisonTaylor and
its principals have been in the business of checking references for
corporations and individuals since 1984. AllisonTaylor is
headquartered in Rochester, Mich. For further details on services and
procedures please visit
AllisonTaylor -- Find
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