Today, job reference checking has become a critical step in securing employment. Job reference checking is no longer something that should be left solely to your prospective employer. Our service offers you the ability to find out what your references will say to a prospective employer. This is information that is crucial to have before applying for a job. What a reference has to say when contacted by a prospective employer could be the difference in your getting the job.
Our staff specializes in job reference checking. We will contact your references and ask the same questions that a prospective employer would ask. After we have conducted the job reference checking, we will contact you via your choice of methods. Information can be emailed, faxed or sent through the postal service. Our staff will provide you with a report of what your reference had to say when contacted about your past employment. This information will then allow you to make an informed decision when applying for a job.
Our service has also helped clients obtain information that can be used in legal action against a former employer. If a reference or former employer provides defamatory or false information about your employment, they may be legally liable. By allowing us to conduct job reference checking for you, the embarrassment of a bad reference can be avoided.
We guarantee our service to be discrete and our staff to be professional. Don't let a bad job reference ruin your chances for a new job! You deserve to know what a job reference is going to say before a prospective employer contacts them. Contact us today for a list of our extremely reasonable pricing plans.
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Job Reference Specialists.