What will you find out on a professional reference check?

Allison and Taylor, Inc. professional reference checking service can provide you great information to give you peace of mind during your job search. Here is what one Allison and Taylor, Inc. client had to say after using our professional reference checking services:

“This report is helpful, it gave me peace of mind as to what to expect when prospective employers call my former supervisor. Thank you for providing this service, I would use again if I needed to in the future.”

So how does this service work?

The use of a professional reference checking firm, such as AllisonTaylor.com, to check your job references, and employment verification prior to submitting them is highly recommended. The potential employer / job reference contact may dramatically affect your future, the outcome of which is far too important to be left to chance. Having a job reference checking service check your references is an accurate way to confirm that these job references will enhance your chances, rather than stand in your way of securing the position you desire.

AllisonTaylor.com, a professional reference checking firm, provides written, comprehensive employment reviews of professionals and executives being considered for employment. We offer three levels of job reference checking service, dependent upon the level of candidate and amount of information being researched: Professional, Executive and Teacher.

An experienced member of our staff conducts all of our job reference checking service/ employment verification interviews via phone, unless required to be done in writing by the client or reference. All professional reference checking report levels will include the following, depending on corporate policy*:

  • Employment verification and verification of dates of employment
  • Employment Verification of position title held
  • Eligibility status for rehire
  • Reason for separation
  • Recommendation for another position / role

In addition to all of the above employment verification questions, the Professional and Executive Level professional reference checking interviews include a discussion of the employee’s strengths and weaknesses, and a fifteen point numerically-based Performance Evaluation. Professional reference checking research topics include:

  • Leadership
  • Oral Communication
  • Written Communication
  • Long-Term Planning
  • Short-Term Planning
  • Managerial Skills
  • Decision Making
  • Productivity
  • Employee Relations
  • Budget Administration
  • Technical Skills
  • Integrity
  • Crisis Management
  • Interpersonal Relations
  • Overall Performance

To view sample reports click here.

The information that you can learn when your references are contacted in a professional manner can be critical in your job search. Don’t wait until its too late.

For more information about Allison and Taylor, Inc.’s professional reference checking services click here.