What information do you expect your future employer to hear when they contact your references

Knowing what a former employer may say about you when called for a reference can be critical information during your job search. A professional reference checking company, like Allison and Taylor, Inc., can help you feel sure that your references are an asset to your job search and will not hold you back from finding the job you want. Many clients are shocked to learn what their former employer or co-workers say when contacted for a reference. Don’t leave it until its too late. A professional reference check prior to your starting your job search can make all the difference.

Allison and Taylor, Inc. provides written, comprehensive employment reviews of professionals and executives being considered for employment. Different levels of reference checking services are offered, depending on what your needs are. Levels include Professional, Executive and Teacher.

During a professional reference check an experienced staff member will contact your former employer by phone, unless required to be done in writing by the client or reference. All professional reference checking report levels will include the following, depending on corporate policy:

  • Employment verification and verification of dates of employment
  • Employment Verification of position title held
  • Eligibility status for rehire
  • Reason for separation
  • Recommendation for another position / role

A professional level reference check will also include a discussion of the employes strengths, weakness and includes a detailed interview questionnaire and 15-point evaluation in area such as leaderships, communication skills, planning skills, integrity and more. Executive level reference checking will also include salary verification and a discussion of the individual’s ability to lead and mentor their staff.

Once the reference check as been completed the client is given a report detailing the information provided by the past employer. This report should give you the information you need so that you know how to proceed in your job search. Hopefully what you learn in your report will be what you expected. But if not, you are forewarned and can take the steps needed in order to prevent a poor reference from harming your career prospects. See a sample of the reports provided by Allison and Taylor, Inc. here.

Here is what one Allison and Taylor, Inc. client had to say after she received the report of her reference check:

“Your report was thorough and very helpful! Thank you!”

If you would like more information about the reference checking services offered by Allison and Taylor, Inc., please click here.