New Format and Content for “Reference List” is Game Changer for Job Seekers

Conventional wisdom – and some documented research – tell us that a person will change careers seven times during their working life. One thing is virtually a “given”: even the most stable employee will be writing (and rewriting) their resume over the course of their career. However, often overlooked are the candidate’s prospective references, raising the question: “Have they taken the same care in creating their reference list, as they have their resume?”

Simply put, it’s imperative that you, as a job candidate, also take a close look at your references each and every time you make a change to your resume.

Make sure your reference list meets these criteria:

  • Does your reference list reflect the best people to cast you in a positive light to a prospective employer – or could there be someone else who would be a better choice?
  • Are your selected references truly going to give your prospective employers the kudos you’re hoping for? If you’re less than certain that they will, you’d better check them beforehand before they go “live” with your prospective new employer. Have a reference check conducted beforehand to make sure.
  • Do your references have a truly comprehensive knowledge of your skills and abilities, and can they fluently convey this knowledge?
  • Are your references people with whom you’ve stayed in touch, and kept updated on your career moves and successes? Will they be able to provide current information about you to a prospective new employer(s)?

Once you feel confident that your selection of references is optimal, examine how you are presenting their information to a prospective employer. Make sure that their contact information is clear, concise, and above all…accurate. Whether or not you receive that coveted job offer may depend on an employer’s ability to contact your references, and data that is outdated or incorrect could cost you your dream job.

To ensure your reference data is easily accessible to a prospective employer, make sure you list the information as seen on these samples:

Management Reference List Sample

Teacher Reference List Sample

Hair Stylist Reference List Sample

Proactively offer your references at the conclusion of an interview – the hiring party will be impressed with both your list, and your initiative.

For a critique of your references, or assistance in rewriting them to the new format, please click here. A good reference list will be one key to securing new employment – make sure yours is a part of your employment-seeking arsenal.