Does Your Resume Make You Look Old? 7 Resume Secrets from Hiring Managers-Part 7

How does a seasoned professional (perhaps 40-60 years of age) craft a resume that stands out from the pack, reflecting their experience, energy and attributes to best advantage?

Here is our last resume tip from hiring managers:

Tip 7: Most importantly, have your resume critiqued. Hiring managers repeatedly emphasize the need for a second (professional) set of eyes to review your resume. Many companies (like offer this service. Considering the possible stakes – namely, your gainful new employment sooner, than later – an investment in a world-class resume will surely be money well spent.

Age discrimination can be a serious obstacle for older workers to overcome. Use your resume as the tool to get your foot in the employment door for that initial interview. Then, convey – with a sense of confidence and self-assurance – the value you offer that is likely unmatched by your younger competitors in the job market arena. Your experience is your strength; take advantage, and both you and your employer will reap the benefits.