Performance evaluation subjective discrimination
is manifest when an employer's subjective performance evaluations are used to
practice unlawful discrimination. Subjective performance evaluations
can be based on extremely subjective criteria and can undermine moral and lead
to perceptions of unfairness.
Employers that use performance evaluations that are based on subjective
criteria like: personality, attitude, appearance, demeanor, or social behavior,
could be judging employees on characteristics that are unrelated to their actual
job duties. Under the guise of a subjective performance evaluation, employers
could be practicing performance evaluation subjective discrimination based on an
employee's sex, marital status, disability, race, or other unlawful criteria. A
subjective performance evaluation can be utilized by an employer to
terminate or promote an employee for reasons that could be deemed as unlawful.
Performance evaluation
reports can be inconsistent and biased determinations with little
oversight. Some subjective performance evaluations permit discrimination where
bonuses, raises, and further advancement are concerned. Employees can be
victims of
wrongful termination, or be passed up for promotions because low
performance evaluation scores. Performance evaluation subjective discrimination
is a factor if performance evaluation scores are not based on factors such as:
job experience, job performance, or similar factors.
With 30 years of experience in
verifying job references, Allison & Taylor can help solve your performance evaluation
subjective discrimination
case by checking what your former boss/employer has to say about you. Concerned
discrimination in the work place or you keep getting turned down for
that dream job? Contact us today and we will conduct employment

Speak with one of our
Job Reference Specialists.